press launch

Scottish Stelvio

Whilst hunting for locations, one often finds locations which whilst aren't right for the current project, can be useful for the future.

These frames I took after a chance encounter with the estate owners at the Applecross Inn, having traversed the much traveled Bealach na Baa pass.  This pass is one of the highest roads in the UK and offers superb views towards the Cullin mountains and Skye.

However, it wasn't delivering what I needed so we, myself and Location Manager Sean Barclay, decamped to the pub for lunch, which was worth a trip in itself. Having ordered, we soon got chatting to some other guests who just happened to own an estate, as you do, which sounded like it may be ideal and more importantly was closer to my other locations.

That's the other devil in location finding, finding them all within relative close proximity. We soon scampered off to the estate and found the tracks you can see here.

This was an incredible find as it offered an amazing array of shots from a multitude of heights all within a fairly small landscape. It was like an off-road Stelvio.

Though not quite right for my Subaru shoot, this location is absolutely perfect for an SUV or WRX type film or a Press launch event, as the estate has extraordinary luxury accommodationwithin the main house.

Should you be interested I would be happy to share the details.